H2: Trendy New Health Product or Something More?

Every time you look at a health magazine, or turn on a TV or radio, or search the internet, there seems to be a...

The Science Behind Hydrogen Infusion Machines and Alkaline Water Ionizers

This article outlines the science behind two types of water machines that will likely be competing head to head for the affection of health...


The Science Behind Hydrogen Infusion Machines and Alkaline Water Ionizers

This article outlines the science behind two types of water machines that will likely be competing head to head for the affection of health...

H2 Products Coming Soon

The H2 industry in North America is in it’s infancy. The fact that you are reading this means you are an early adapter and...

Is H2 the Best Antioxidant?

Antioxidants are a hot item in the health and supplement worlds. You don’t have to look very hard to find numerous claims about the...


The Ultimate Review of Hydrogen Research

The most comprehensive review of hydrogen ever produced recently appeared January 2016, in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7, 32-76 Clinical Effects of Hydrogen...

12 Legitimate Reasons Why H2 Should be the First Supplement You Reach For

It may seem to you that hydrogen gas “H2” has suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You are not alone. If you live in Japan,...

Is H2 the Best Antioxidant?

Antioxidants are a hot item in the health and supplement worlds. You don’t have to look very hard to find numerous claims about the...


H2: Slows Lactic Acid Buildup

One of the consequences of intense exercise is an increase in free radical production. This...

H2: A Must for Serious Athletes

As the points keep piling up in the win column for molecular hydrogen, we wondered...


Molecular Hydrogen and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that is affecting an increasing number of people. The cause of RA is not entirely known,...


Hydrogen Infusion Machines vs Electric Water Ionizers

The news about Hydrogen Infusion Machines “HIM’s” is spreading quickly in the Electric Water Ionizer “EWI” world. The feedback we have been receiving provides...